This image was taken in Beijing in 2007, and in it’s own obscure way I believe symbolizes what is the awakening of ‘Napoleons Sleeping Dragon’. The jack hammers and excavators were hard at work, re-shaping the city for the up and coming 2008 Olympics. On arrival in China I had no real expectations of the country, and was quite shocked at where the country was at. I don’t think people have any real understanding of what is happening in modern China today. I was one of those people, until I witnessed the country with my own eyes. A good friend on mine visited Beijing back in 1996 (not really all that long ago) and asked me upon my return ‘What about all of those bicycles on the streets, it’s madness?’ I looked at him with a blank stare, as there were no bicycles, only cars! Modernization of a city such as Beijing, is always going to bring debate. Some will argue that it should be left untouched, and preserved. Locals will say, they want to live in a modern world, with plumbing and electricity that actually works. A happy medium, in my opinion is the best answer. Good luck obtaining it though…
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DigiDrift – This Image by Jason Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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