Image of The Week: Hong Kong – Now That’s a Light Show

The ‘Symphony of Light’ show that takes place nightly in Hong Kong is truly spectacular. As 8.00pm closes in each night, the crowd begin’s to gather on the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, watching the clock and waiting in anticipation. There are five main themes to the show — Awakening, Energy, Heritage, Partnership and the finale, Celebration. If this is what the Hong Kong Tourism Board can do each night, I can’t imagine the show they would put on for their New Year’s Eve celebrations.

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     About the author

Jason has traveled the world extensively during the last 20 years, with overland journeys on six continents and across over 90 countries. This site serves as a chronicle of the images and tales from these journeys, as well as offering advice and general information for other like minded travelers.

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