This image was captured in 2008, in the harbour at Port Villa (the capital of Vanuatu). Liza and I were kicking back having a bite to eat at one of the foreshore restaurants, when the sky just kept getting darker and darker. There is no doubt that the term ‘calm before the storm’ is real, as at this time there was no wind onshore, but offshore things were a little different, and it wouldn’t be long until the heavens would open above us.
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I am by no means a professional photographer, but I believe some of my images are worthy of sale. Traveling the world is an expensive hobby, so If you would like to purchase this image for commercial purposes, then please click the tab above, and you will be presented with a series of options through the ‘FotoMoto’ service. The image displayed above is a reduced and highly compressed JPEG. All licensed images made available for download, are supplied in full high resolution TIFF format. All prints are also created from these full resolution images, without watermarks.
DigiDrift – Images by Jason Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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