This image was taken way back in 1993, whilst I was walking Peru’s ‘Inca Trail‘ before finally making our way up to the UNESCO listed Machu Picchu. From all recent reports, the Inca trail has become massively popular over the last couple of decades and the hike now has a limited number of people who are issued permits each day (500 I believe and this includes guides and porters). There was no such problem back in early 1993 as the Shinning Path’s leader Abimael Guzmán was only captured a few months earlier, and at the time many parts of Peru were a no go zone, and dotted kidnappings throughout the country. From memory we only encountered one other group whilst on the 4 day trek, and arrived at Macchu Picchu with the place to ourselves, before a bus arrived earlier that day. The children in the image would always keep repeating to me ‘dolce dolce’, which translates to ‘sweet sweet’, please give me a sweet. As you can tell by their faces, I refused their request.
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DigiDrift – This Image by Jason Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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